Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dali Lama Barred from Peace Confrence........Seriously??

It is a sad state of affairs when the Dali Lama, a man whose sole goal is peace, is barred from a confrence where the number one topic of discussion is peace. The obivous reason for this is China economic power house of china has given millions in aid and relief to rebuild the country of Africa. The South African Government claimed that including the Dali Lama would have taken away from the fact that the World Cup of 2010 was going to be held there and the dellusional fact that sport is supposed to unite people of all races. I dont understand how a sport is supposed to solve issues in the world. Do you know what would probably unite the people of the world better than a sport? A serious peace talk between China and Tibet. To solve a problem like this that has been feuding on for so long now would send such a powerful message to the people of the world. To solve the differences of two people who now appear to be so against each other would set the world on a different path.
The South African Government stated" The Dali Lamas presence would not be in the best intrest of the country." Obviously not! Maybe I have some kind of preconcieved notion of what the world should be like because this does not seem like and eithical or even reasonable notion in my mind. Apparently, from the reaction of some Nobel Prize Winners there are people who agree with my position. In case, people who read this do not know who I am talking about. After hearing that the Dali Lama was barred from the confrence to prominent Nobel Prize Laureates decided to boycott the confrence. The Prime Minister of China also stated that foreign countries should stay away from the Tibet issue. It is my impression that with this statement South Africa was scared or rather bullied economically into not allowing a man whose sole goal is peace over all and , peace thhough his village as well into the confrence. This is a disgusting fact of the world that an economic power house such as China is using their economic influence to get their way. The South African Government should be ashamed for not sticking to what should be important in the confrence PEACE!!! Instead it is hiding behind the line that the confrence was to promote the idea that peace was going to unite all races..... sure....
In an obvious effort to keep their reputation the new president of South Africa said that it was not China making the decision to bar the Dali Lama it was them..... well then answer me the big , huge question of WHY??? Is peace not important to them??? If this is true and the intentions of barring the Dali Lama was supposed to keep eyes off of Tibet, I could not be more greatful that it back fired and now all eyes are pointed in the direction of the conflict between China and Tibet.

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